Thursday, August 27, 2009

Family Ties Of the late Sultan Of Sulu

I came across these names of important and respected people who had supposedly been the direct descendent of the Sultan Of Sulu. Of course there had been many people who had claimed to be the direct descendents. However this one concerns the person by the name of the late Sri Paduka Maulana Sultan Jamalul Alam, as well as that of the late Seri Paduka Maulana Sultan Saidina Abu Bakar Shariful Hashim and their heir Al Marhrum Sultan Jamalul Alam II/III Bin Al Mahrum Sultan Bararuddin Alam.

There had been strong relationship between Brunei and Sulu in the past and we could see this in Paduka Mat Salleh being sent to then North Borneo as 'wajir' by the Sultan Of Sulu as well as through family ties in Shariff Rom Osman and the daughter of Sultan of Sulu named Dayang Sayak.

We should also remember the services of Al Mahrum Sharif Makdum, whose tomb is in Pulau Simunul in the islands of Sulu, Philippines who was reponsible to convert the pagans at Silam Lahad Datu. Many of the Suluk of the Simunul community now lives in Sandakan at Kg Bokhara.


  1. The JAMASALI Royal family is the direct descendant of Sultan Bararuddin Alam, Princess Norma Piandao Jamasali has a picture at the Brunei Museum and she is recognized by the Sultan of Brunei as cousin. No other Royal blood is recognized in brunei except Princess Norma Piandao binti Datu JAMASALI and her son Atty. Ramon Jamasali I. E-mail me at for moreinfo.

  2. The JAMASALI Royal family is the direct descendant of Sultan Bararuddin Alam of Sulu, Princess Norma Piandao Jamasali has a picture at the Brunei Museum and she is recognized by the Sultan of Brunei as cousin. No other Royal blood is recognized in Sulu except Princess Norma Piandao binti Datu JAMASALI and her son Prince Atty. Ramon Jamasali I. E-mail me at for moreinfo.

  3. And what about her relatives? Cousins and sibling?
